Them’s the breaks: How I treat foot fractures
As a practicing podiatrist for over 20 years, I have spoken with patients that did not know that podiatrists treat fractures. It’s a common refrain as they generally feel that only orthopedists handle fractures. While I can’t speak for everyone, I can say that I have been managing foot fractures for years. Most foot fractures require protective weight bearing with either a surgical shoe or a walking boot. Fractures generally require four to six weeks of offloading to heal. On the rare occasion surgery is needed. This percentage is small.
Learn more in this The Hammonton Gazette Health & article, which was featured in the paper on Monday, May 2, 2022.
To make an appointment or for more information, call Weiss Foot and Ankle Center at 609-561-2488 or fill out our online form today.